D M C b a N k


Known for Trust,
Honesty & Customer

The DMC BANK is a first women’s cooperative bank in Uttara Kannada district established in 2000.

Since then, it was serving as one of the old generation cooperative institutions till 2022.

In 2022, new entrepreneurs took over the management headed by Smt, Shrirupa Hegde. And then onwards, it has been transformed its entire business nature and stepping forward towards to visualise neo banking concept using technology to make banking more accessible, efficient, and transparent.

to create a new generation banking platform

DMCB is focused on leveraging technology to deliver a more user-friendly, community- focused, and socially responsible banking experience. By combining the ethics of the best of traditional cooperative banking with the latest innovations in digital banking, such as mobile banking, online banking, and electronic payment systems, to create a seamless and convenient banking experience for our customers. DMCB new management is committed to bring a major shift in this professional service as increasing the demands of customers convenient and user-friendly digital banking solutions.

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    While traditional banks are often seen as age old corporations, The DMCB is rooted in our local communities and community groups to support their economic development and social initiatives.

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    Ethical and sustainable

    DMC Bank has got long history of promoting ethical and sustainable banking practices to prioritize its investments in socially responsible businesses and environmentally sustainable projects..

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    Emphasis on financial education

    DMCB is committed to promote financial education in our deprived and economically as well as socially backward local communities to help their members make informed and sustainable financial decisions.

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    Digital-first approach

    DMC Bank has developed its vibrant business platform with top-notch advanced banking technologies, with a focus on delivering a seamless and user-friendly digital banking experience. This includes online and mobile banking platforms, as well as digital tools for managing accounts and making transactions as well as service banking facilities.

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    Collaborative approach

    DMC Bank is based on the principle of collaboration, with our members groups by working together to achieve their common goals by allowing members to participate in decision- making processes and important issues related to the bank's operations and their socio-economic and cultural upliftment.

Few Interesting Numbers

Numbers that speak about banking service.

Our Network

86 Branches around the country


More than 1.5 illion customers


1.6k professional employees

Loans Disbursed

45.6 Cr loans for 258 customers

Better Value
Banking Experience

Business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds these matters to this principle of selection.


Report for the Year 2021

Awards & Major Achivements

Outstanding performance and achievements.

Bank of the Year

  • Year: 2020-2021
  • Award by: Los Vegas Business Time

Best Commercial
Bank Award

  • Year: 2017-2018
  • Award by: Los Vegas Business Time

Best Private Bank

  • Year: 2018-2019
  • Award by: Los Vegas Business Time

Banker’s Bank of the
Year Awards

  • Year: 2014-2015
  • Award by: Los Vegas Business Time